Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Static Routing

Static routing is a form of routing that occurs when a router uses a manually-configured routing entry, rather than information from a dynamic routing protocol to forward traffic.[1] In many cases, static routes are manually configured by a network administrator by adding in entries into a routing table, though this may not always be the case.Unlike dynamic routing, static routes are fixed and do not change if the network is changed or reconfigured. Static routing and dynamic routing are not mutually exclusive. Both dynamic routing and static routing are usually used on a router to maximize routing efficiency and to provide backups in the event that dynamic routing information fails to be exchanged. Static routing can also be used in stub networks, or to provide a gateway of last resort.

USES: - Static routing may have the following uses:
  • Static routing can be used to define an exit point from a router when no other routes are available or necessary. This is called a default route.
  • Static routing can be used for small networks that require only one or two routes. This is often more efficient since a link is not being wasted by exchanging dynamic routing information.
  • Static routing is often used as a complement to dynamic routing to provide a failsafe backup in the event that a dynamic route is unavailable.
  • Static routing is often used to help transfer routing information from one routing protocol to another (routing redistribution).

Disadvantage: - 
Static routing can have some potential disadvantages:[3]
  • Human Error: In many cases, static routes are manually configured. This increases the potential for input mistakes. Administrators can make mistakes and mistype in network information, or configure incorrect routing paths by mistake.
  • Fault Tolerance: Static routing is not fault tolerant. This means that when there is a change in the network or a failure occurs between two statically defined devices, traffic will not be re-routed. As a result the network is unusable until the failure is repaired or the static route is manually reconfigured by an administrator.
  • Administrative Distance: Static routes typically take precedence over routes configured with a dynamic routing protocol. This means that static routes may prevent routing protocols from working as intended. A solution is to manually modify the administrative distance.[4]
  • Administrative overhead: Static routes must be configured on each router in the network(s). This configuration can take a long time if there are many routers. It also means that reconfiguration can be slow and inefficient. Dynamic routing on the other hand automatically propagates routing changes, reducing the need for manual reconfiguration. 
Enterprise-level Cisco routers are configurable using the Cisco IOS command line, rather than a web management interface.

Add a static route[edit]

The commands to add a static route are as follows:-[6]
Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ip route
Network configurations are not restricted to a single static route per destination: [7]
Router> enable
Router# configure t
Router(config)# ip route
Router(config)#  ip route

Add static route by specifying exit interface[edit]

Static routes can also be added by specifying the exit interface rather than the "next hop" IP address of the router.
Router(config)# ip route Serial 0/0/0

Configuring administrative distance[edit]

The administrative distance can be manually (re)configured so that the static route can be configured as a backup route, to be used only if the dynamic route is unavailable.[8]
Router(config)# ip route exampleRoute 1 254
Setting the administrative distance to 254 will result in the route being used only as a backup.

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